A Living Trust
Although a Living Trust is not for everyone, the principles behind the document should be considered by anyone wishing to ensure the passing of assets to beneficiaries with minimal tax burden and in the least amount of time possible.
Avoids Probate of the estate, so no court is involved.
Eliminates the requirement of Public notices.
Keeps your plan of distribution private.
Is acceptable in all states, so avoids probate of out-of-state property as well as assets located in the state of residency.
Allows for optimum tax planning using federal and state income, gift, and estate tax law, yet requires no extra tax returns or filings.
Does not affect your ability to manage and control your own property and does not require management fees to be paid to anyone unless you wish to appoint an outside manager
Would you like to avoid probate on your Estate? Is your current will or Living Trust up to date?
Do you know what your current Estate Plan will achieve for you? Are you in need of a Durable Power of Attorney or an Advance Health Care Directive?
If appreciated assets are classified as community property, all capital gains will be forgiven upon the death of either spouse?
If assets are solely owned, probate will be required?
If total assets exceed $5.4M of value, unless federal estate tax planning is completed, tax rates beginning at 37% will apply?
If you are an owner, or your estate was the beneficiary of life insurance, death benefits WILL be included as part of your taxable estate for federal estate tax purposes.